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Command Line Interface

Upon installation of Toggl CLI with pip, it exposes the command line interface under binary toggl.

This section will explain the high-level overview of the CLI and several features. For detailed overview of all options for each command, please use --help parameter.

Virtualenv and other modifications of Python environment

As the toggl binary depends on the Python's environment, any action which would modify this environment, such as usage of virtualenv etc. might disable access to this binary. It depends on which environment you have installed toggl in.

Commands overview

The CLI is designed to have several sub-commends which each corresponds to adequate section of the API. Here is presented brief overview of the hierarchy.

├── add --- adds new time entry
├── clients
│   ├── add
│   ├── get
│   ├── ls
│   ├── rm
│   └── update
├── config
│   ├── timezone --- sets/display timezone setting
│   ├── workspace --- sets/display default workspace setting
│   └── completion
│       ├── show --- displays what will be added to your shell's rc file
│       └── install --- enable commands completion for your shell
├── continue --- continue existing/last time entry
├── goal --- tracks today's time until your goal is reached
├── ls --- lists last time entries
├── now --- show/update currently runnig time entry
├── project_users --- list all project users in workspace
├── projects
│   ├── add
│   ├── get
│   ├── ls
│   ├── rm
│   ├── update
│   └── users
│       ├── add
│       ├── ls
│       ├── rm
│       └── update
├── rm --- delete a time entry
├── start --- starts new time entry
├── stop --- stops running time entry
├── sum --- shows summary of totally tracked time based on days
├── tasks
│   ├── add
│   ├── get
│   ├── ls
│   ├── rm
│   └── update
├── tags
│   ├── add
│   ├── ls
│   ├── rm
│   └── update
├── users
│   ├── get
│   ├── ls
│   └── signup --- creates new user
├── workspaces
│   ├── get
│   ├── ls
│   └── users
│       ├── invite --- invites user into the current workspace
│       ├── ls
│       ├── rm
│       └── update
└── www --- opens web client


Toggl CLI supports themes in order to be readable in all terminal settings. You can configure it as part of config file using theme option. The possible values are:

  • plain for plain theme without any colors
  • light for light based theme
  • dark for dark based theme

Shell completion

Toggl CLI supports commands/options completion for bash, zsh, PowerShell and fish shells.

To enable the completion run toggl config completion install.

This command will install completion based on your current shell, it mostly consist of adding _TOGGL_COMPLETE variable to your rc file. If you want to inspect details you can run toggl config completion show.

Date/time formats

Important part of the CLI is parsing of times & dates. Toggl CLI uses in background of dateutil library and it best-effort function dateutil.parse(). This function aims to guess the format of your time or date on best-effort bases.

It is possible to influence behaviour of this parser through day_first and year_first settings in config file. See possible settings.


10:10 ==> <current date> 10:10
14:10 ==> current date> 14:10
2:10 PM ==> current date> 14:10

Nov 12 10:11 AM ==> <current year>-11-12 10:11

# For only day/month dates the first is always day and second is always month
12.11 10:11 ==> <current year>-11-12 10:11  
11.12 10:11 ==> <current year>-12-11 10:11

# For ful date (day/month/year) the day_first/year_first setting is applied
12.11.18 10:11 ==> 2018-12-11 10:11
12.11.18 10:11 ==> 2018-11-12 10:11 # When day_first=True
12.11.18 10:11 ==> 2012-11-18 10:11 # When year_first=True

More examples can be found at pendulum's documentation

Duration formats

Another important part of the CLI is duration syntax for specifying time entries durations if desired. Example: 5h2m10s - 5 hours 2 minutes 10 seconds.

Syntax is as follow:

  • 'd' : days
  • 'h' : hours
  • 'm' : minutes
  • 's' : seconds

Environmental variables

It is possible to specify several options for the CLI commands through environmental variables. This can for example nicely play out for directory specific settings (for example for projects) with direnv tool. Generally this mechanism is available for commands that create new entities. Values specified through this way have priority over config values.

You can see which options can be specified in command's help page where at the option's help is used (ENV: <name of variable>) syntax. Bellow you can see general overview of the variables:

  • TOGGL_CONFIG - Defines which config file should be used. Should be absolute path. By default ~/.togglrc is used.
  • TOGGL_WORKSPACE - Defines workspace to be used for the command, can be ID or Name of the Workspace.
  • TOGGL_TASK - Defines task to be used, can be ID or Name of the Task.
  • TOGGL_PROJECT - Defines project to be used, can be ID or Name of the Project.
  • TOGGL_API_TOKEN - Defines Toggl's account which will be used for the API calls.
  • TOGGL_USERNAME - Defines Toggl's account which will be used for the API calls.
  • TOGGL_PASSWORD - Defines Toggl's account which will be used for the API calls.