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API wrapper classes

Except Command Line Interface, Toggl also consists of wrapper classes to interact with Toggl's API. They wrappers are placed in toggl.api package. There are these classes available:

  • Client
  • Workspace
  • Project
  • User
  • WorkspaceUser
  • ProjectUser
  • TimeEntry
  • Task
  • Tag

Currently there is no API reference available, for details see directly the code which is well documented and readable here.


As described at Configuration section Toggl CLI heavily depends on configuration, which is also true for the API wrappers.

You can specify the config object to be used for the API calls passing the object to TogglSet's methods and entities's constructor using config=<config object> (examples bellow). If no config object is passed, the default config is parsed from config file at ~/.togglrc.

If you want to use some config object across whole application, you can replace the default config object using call utils.Config.set_default(<config_obj>) (example bellow). It is recommended to put this step as part of bootstraping of your application.


The API wrapper classes follow similar design pattern like Django's ORM classes. Here are some examples of the API calls.

from toggl import api, utils

# All clients from default config which is placed under ~/.togglrc
all_clients = api.Client.objects.all()
for client in all_clients:

specific_client = api.Client.objects.get(123)

project = api.Project(name='New project!')
project.client = specific_client # Creating new instance does not automatically save the entity, you have to call save() to do that.

update_project = api.Project()

# Loads config from different place then ~/.togglrc
loaded_config = utils.Config.factory('/some/path/to/config')

new_task_with_different_config = api.Task(name='some name', config=loaded_config)

# Creates empty config without any file loading, at least API token/User credentials needs to be set afterwards
empty_config = utils.Config.factory(None)
empty_config.api_token = 'users token'

# Lets update a Task
some_task = api.Task.objects.get(123, config=empty_config)

# Raises TogglNotAllowedException as tracked_seconds is read-only
some_task.tracked_seconds = 123 = 'new task name' # Again entity needs to be saved to propagate the changes to server

# Getting default config object
default_config = utils.Config.factory()

# Set new default config
assert utils.Config.factory() is empty_config  # ==> True